Basement Waterproofing Systems

Basement Waterproofing Systems

Waterproofing a basement is one of the best ways to prevent damage from moisture in your home. waterproofing near me a basement protects items stored there, safeguards against structural damage to the home, and reduces the potential for mold and mildew growth that can cause health problems. There are three waterproofing methods that work together to keep your basement dry:

Exterior Waterproofing

Exterior waterproofing requires excavation around the foundation and a membrane coating on the concrete foundation wall. This is an effective solution, but it can be expensive and labor-intensive.

It’s important to note that this method doesn’t solve any drainage issues that might be present. If your soil is poorly graded and cascades toward the foundation or your gutters are blocked and downspouts are missing, this can still lead to seepage and moisture in your basement.

Interior Waterproofing

This method involves installing an internal drain tile system and sump pump to prevent basement moisture and flooding. This type of system is more cost-effective than excavation and membrane installation, but it’s not a standalone solution because it doesn’t address any underlying moisture or hydrostatic pressure from expanding soil.

The drain tile system collects and drains water into the sump pump, which pumps it away from the basement. It’s also essential to install a battery backup for the sump pump in case of a power outage, so the water isn’t left sitting around in your basement.

Another component of the interior waterproofing system is an encapsulation system that’s installed over the newly installed drain tile system and wall conduits. The encapsulation system is made of a plastic sheet that’s interlaced with high-density fibers, and it’s not glued to the concrete surface. It allows a small gap to be created between the wall and white cap, so any moisture can slip through but won’t reach your basement.

Once the encapsulation system is in place, any moisture that makes it past the concrete and into the basement will be trapped by the white cap and redirected to the drain tile system. The encapsulation system is then sealed to the concrete wall, and a battery backup for the sump pump ensures that even during a power outage the water will be pumped away from your basement.

It’s essential to assess the severity of your moisture issues, your budget, and maintenance requirements before choosing a waterproofing method. A waterproofing specialist can help you determine the most suitable method for your situation. To learn more, give us a call or fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch to discuss your options. A bespoke quote will be provided, depending on your specific needs and moisture levels. The most appropriate system will provide long-term peace of mind and prevent costly repair bills in the future. This is why it’s worth taking the time to do it right the first time. We look forward to speaking with you soon!